Saturday, July 13, 2024

Hate Reborn: How to explain rejection?

  Emotionally detached asshole,

Heart turned to stone,

Convinced love is shit,

So you inspired me to be.

It has to be painful,

Non reciprocated,

And misplaced,

No empathy,

Stone cold,

So you’ve tough me to be!

It’s to be avoided at all costs,

It’s to be cursed,

To be forgotten,

Not to be desired,

Not to be sought after,

Not to be wished upon those most dear to you;

So you’ve convinced me.

Love is unattainable,

A mindset that better be dropped,

A sea you should never sail in,

Else you drown and be torn apart regardless how good a captain you’re,

It’s the destroyer of everything and everyone,

It’s the killer of the ambitions and mother of agony,

So it seems you concluded!

It’s a disguise we can put on anytime to get what we want,

To suit our needs in the moment,

Sex, companionship, and friendship;

All can be found under false pretenses,

Make other believe in non-existing commitment,

No guilt conscious,

Take pride in deception,

Be glad of earned favors,

Remorselessly take and take,

Leave no dust behind,

S/He’s casualty of his or her hubris,

Holding hand since that’s the bliss,

Buy a gift and pay a fancy dinner if needed,

Kiss and forget,

Tone deaf to pleas,

Keep close enough to hear the begging,

Feel nothing when s/he cry,

Stone-faced and nonchalant,

Find ways to blame the victim for his/her indecisions,

Be convinced to be perfect yourself,

Every pain you put them through should been a lesson,

Should have given up and move on,

Give hope and send them packing again and again,

S/He’s so blind to see it,

Know better,

You have good intentions at heart,

It's favor,

Letting the world around him or her burn,

Walking on scotched earth,

Running after the wind,

Shed no tear for the unfortunate love-stricken soul,

May his or her life crumble, 

Don't look back, don't stop, don't even blink, 

Torture with hope again,

Make them suffer and suffocate very slowly,

Deliver your last blow, your killshot by stabbing in the back;

Give your heart to someone else, new, beautiful, richer

Submit to someone likely less loving and less wanting,  


So you have planned!

You know very well,

This is not love, 

Love can’t be so cruel, 

It should be seen and studied, 

It never was…it’s rather Hate reborn!

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Hate Reborn: How to explain rejection?

   Emotionally detached asshole, Heart turned to stone, Convinced love is shit, So you inspired me to be. It has to be painful, Non reciproc...